I am a small scale food producer...

We grow much of what we eat here at Harewood Farm and dabble with natural bee-keeping in top bar hives and backyard chickens.

The seasons and natural rhythms of the land around me informs my choice about what to eat and how to cook.

I work as a holistic chef exploring optimum nutrition. I have cooked for retreats at various venues around the world, providing the nourishing support needed to sustain the retreat process. Food provenance, seasonality, sustainability and simplicity are at the core of what I wish to share.

The energetic aspects of food, using both ancient Eastern and modern Western nutritional tools and techniques, guide me in the creation of menus to suit the specific needs of any group. I can provide seasonal menu plans tailored specifically for any retreat, designed to support and nourish the type of practices that are on offer.

I offer cooking workshops at Harewood Farm field kitchen with our home grown produce, designed to empower participants to develop and trust their intuition and grow their confidence in the kitchen.

Contact me here to inquire about my services.